User Interface

The BlinkenHat can be configured through a user interface. The interface is implrmented as a web application that can be retrieved via any webrowser. This has the benefit that you don’t need an app. The web application is included in the firmware of the controller - so you don’t need internet access to use it.


To connect to the website you first need to connect to the controllers WiFi. After you started the controller (plugged it in a USB power source or pressed the reset button) it is ready to connext. On your Smartphone/Tablet/Laptop search for a WiFi that starts with blinkenhat and some random letters afterwards. The parts after blinkenhat is the ID of your device and is used to give the WiFi a unique name. Please connect to this WiFi using the default password blink_password.

After the connection process open your browser and type in a random http address like Almost any address should work except https-only ones like google or facebook. You can also just use random letters and bookmark this.

Now you see the default view of the user interface:

User Interface start

NOTE: Your smartphone will no be able to access the internet while connected to teh Hotspot of the BlinkenHat.

The menu contains five entries:

Channel configuration

A channel represents one of the two LED connectors of the device.

General Settings

These settings are general for the channel and independend of any effect.

General channel settings


You can add any amount of Effects to a channel. Effects are added together to produce the final result. So if you select a rainbow and stars for a channel, then you will get rainbow-colored LEDs and stars on top. It is possible to add the same effect with different settings multiple times.

To add an effect, just press the add effect button:

Add Effect Button

Then select the effect to add in the menu:

Add Effect Menu

The effect appears below at the end of the effect list.

Each Effect has a remove button:

Remove effect button

A click on it will remove the effect from the channel. It can be added again at any time.

Effect: Rainbow

This effect tints the LEDs with the colors of a rainbow. The rainvow then cycles through the strip.

General channel settings

Effect: Running Dot

This effects draws moving dots on the strip that pull a tail behind them. The dots can change their colors as they move.

General channel settings

Effect: Twingling Stars

This flashes a defined amount of stars on teh strip at random positions. The stars can be white, a defined color or a random color on every flash.

General channel settings

General Configuration

This contains configuration that apples to all channels.

General channel settings

Wifi Configuration

There are two modes for WiFi: Station and AcessPoint.

Station mode

In station mode the device tries to connect as normal WiFi station to a configured wifi. Use this when you are at home. You can also use it with you smartphone when you enable a mobile hotspot at your phone. This has the advantage that you’restill able to use the mobile internet on your phone while having the BlinkenHat connected.

NOTE: If you use the station mode you cannot use any random adress in the browser to get the user interface. You need to find the IP address your router or smartphone assigned to the device.

NOTE: The device will try to connect to the configured WiFi for a few seconds at boot time. If it fals to connect for any reason it starts the AP mode.

General channel settings

AP mode settings

In AccessPoint mode the device opens its own hotspot you can connect to with your smartphone.

NOTE: Your smartphone will no be able to access the internet while connected to teh Hotspot of the BlinkenHat.

General channel settings


To upgrade the device:

  1. Download the latest release of the firmware from the GitHub release page to your smartphone. The firmware is the file that is called firmware.bin.
  2. Connect to the BlinkenHat.
  3. Go to the upgrade page.
  4. Select the file on your smartphone.
  5. Click Submit.
  6. Wait (and hope ;) ).